Setting up Discussions

Link to PDFThe Brightspace Discussion tool is very useful in enabling student interaction within online and blended environments. To set up discussions, forums must be created first. A forum exists to organize or group similar or recurring discussion topics. For example, to set up a weekly discussion, start by creating a forum titled “Weekly Discussions”. Within that forum, you would have weekly “topics”.

Setting up Discussions [PDF]

The New Assignment Experience

Link to PDFOn Friday, Nov. 13, 2020, Brightspace revealed a change to the Assignment Creation experience. When new, major workflow changes are introduced in Brightspace, they often begin as optional workflows prior to becoming official and mandatory. The new experience has no impact on existing assignments, but if you make changes to an existing assignment or create a new one, you will note the optional change to the new experience. The settings within the new experience are identical to the current experience, however the layout and order has been streamlined.  It is strongly recommended that instructors familiarize themselves with this new interface in preparation for future changes.

The New Assignment Experience [PDF]

How to Link Panopto Videos in Your Course

Link to PDFTo ensure your videos are available to all students, the instructions available in the link below outlines the process of adding a Panopto-housed video to ensure ease of access to all users. You do not have to use Panopto for recording, but it is strongly recommended to use the system for embedding videos in your course.

How to Link Panopto Videos in Your Course [PDF]

Note: factors such as bitrate, aspect ratio, file size, and video length can all impact the time it takes for a video to upload and process. If you are uploading multiple videos at the same time, expect increased delays. This is simply the nature of working with video files. Please allow adequate time for this process.

Editing Assignments

Link to PDFThe instructions in the following document outline how to modify previously created assignments. This is necessary when importing a course offering from a previous semester into the current semester, updating placeholders created through ETD’s course template, or making changes during the semester. Typically, these modifications include the assignment’s title, the description, attaching documents, adjusting the score, and/or changing dates.

Editing Assignments [PDF]