Editing Assignments

Link to PDFThe instructions in the following document outline how to modify previously created assignments. This is necessary when importing a course offering from a previous semester into the current semester, updating placeholders created through ETD’s course template, or making changes during the semester. Typically, these modifications include the assignment’s title, the description, attaching documents, adjusting the score, and/or changing dates.

Editing Assignments [PDF]

Providing Restricted Access Through OneDrive

Link to PDFTo alleviate any concerns from guest lecturers providing lecture content (videos, slides, etc.) who wish to restrict access to their content, sharing files through OneDrive is possible. This method will allow the students in the course to view a document linked in Brightspace but stored in OneDrive, with the caveat that students will have zero ability to download, edit, or interact with the document. These conditions can be revoked at any time by the content owner (in this case, the guest lecturer), or an automatic expiry date can be applied.

Restricted Access through OneDrive [PDF]