Course Accessibility  

Accessibility issues are a concern in both the classroom and online. Regardless of the environment, there are strategies that can be used to improve accessibility. The article linked below discusses the issue of accessibility and provides a checklist of recommendations for each step of the course development phase.

Yes, it’s possible to embed accessibility into the course creation process, without expending too much time or effort. Here are things to consider during each development phase.

Source: Your Course Accessibility Checklist — Campus Technology

Brightspace Quick Tips: Bookmark Feature

Use the Bookmark feature for ease of returning to a specific page in the course.

If you want to easily return to a particular area of a course, selecting the bookmark icon that is available throughout the environment will add a link in the “Bookmarks” in the Content page. The Bookmark feature is available to students as well; however, bookmarked items are private for each user.

You can add a bookmark widget to your homepage as well.